Load/extract data#

The first step is always loading your data into Tally. This converts the data from whatever format your data provider uses to a uniform, open source data format (built on the open source Quantipy).

In the following examples, we assume an instance of Tally has been created by using your API key.

import tally
dataset = tally.DataSet(api_key=MY_KEY)

Supported platforms and file types#

Files supported by Tally include

  • SPSS

  • CSV

  • Excel

  • Parquet

  • Unicom (FKA Dimensions) files.

Support for online data sources includes:

  • Unicom

  • Forsta (FKA Confirmit)

  • Enghouse

  • Alchemer

In the following examples, we assume the tally instance has been created by loading your API key.


If your platform is not listed here, we can add it! We are constantly adding new platforms and the next ones on our list are Qualtrics and Decipher.

File based data#

Loading file based data with Tally is easy.

unicom_dataset.use_unicom('data/Example_Museum.mdd', 'data/Example_Museum.ddf')
spss_dataset.use_spss('data/Example Data.sav')

Remote/online data#

Tally also works with online/remote data.

# Forsta
# NEBU/Enghouse